Shadowspell Academy: Year of the Chameleon (#4)

Previous: Shadowspell Academy: The Culling Trials (#3) | Next: Shadowspell Academy: Year of the Chameleon (#5)

You Don’t Choose The Academy. The Academy Chooses You.

I’ve made it through the Culling Trials, the test that proved my mettle against every possible challenge.

I assumed that meant things would settle down and I’d start truly learning.

No more danger.

No more death threats.

No more wondering who was out to get me.

Apparently, that was not to be.

I am what this supernatural world calls a Chameleon—a rarity even amongst all these monsters. And rare things are coveted and feared by the most powerful of all—The House Of Wonder.

It’s a good thing I have my crew at my back, because this Academy?

It’s about to get seriously ugly.

Which means this farm girl is ready to play by only one set of rules.

Her own.


"Shannon Mayer does Academy books very well – it has action, a little flirtation and romance here and there, a strong heroine who has all the special powers but she learns them, fails at her gifts too but never gives up. There is drama, humor, heartfelt friendship and in this one, some visits from ghosts in Wild’s life. I look forward to seeing what happens next!"

Past Midnight

"Fans might have been dismayed to learn that Year of the Chameleon did not include the epic writing duo of Breene and Mayer – never fear, Shannon Mayer does what she always does… throws down greatness!"

Whiskey & Wit

Awards & Accolades


#2 in Teen & Young Adult Survival Stories on Amazon


Hit #300 in the Amazon Paid Kindle store
