An Update, An eBook, and THE WAY OF KING(Job)S


Exciting news for those with Apple™ addictions, there is a new version of iOS for those with the latest versions of the gadgets pioneered by Steve Jobs. According to the news sources the iOS8 update will also include a bundle of updates for their app suite include a new version of Apple’s e-reader: iBooks.

For those not previously familiar with this app, Apple is offering a free ebook download in conjunction with running the iOS8 update as a way to coax new users to try it out. While we suppose a person could use this free download on any one of our clients’s excellent works, why not get the most bang for your free buck and pick up an e-copy of Brandon Sanderson‘s THE WAY OF KINGS? At over 1000 pages long in it’s non-digital, hardcover format, the first book in the Stormlight Archive series is sure to keep you hooked for the next several weeks! Or at least until the next iOS update is released.