It’s now just a few short weeks — i.e., Pretty Darn Quick — before thousands of sf/f writers, fans, publishers, editors, etc. will be heading out on the Docklands Light Railway to Loncon 3 at London’s Excel.
Here’s Joshua’s schedule:
Thursday 13:00 – 14:00, London Suite 5 (ExCeL)
Joshua Bilmes (not sure if writer Lauren Beukes will also be doing a Kaffeeklatsch at the same time, or if we’re doing a shared Kaffeeklatsch)
Finding an Agent
Saturday 12:00 – 13:30, Capital Suite 16 (ExCeL)
A great query letter is all you need! Write a great manuscript and the rest doesn’t matter! Network at conventions and you’re in good shape! These nuggets of advice and dozens like them float around the writersphere as gospel. How many of these have a ring of truth? What is the secret to finding an agent? And what does an agent do once you have one? Our agents will decrypt the process.
This panel will be moderated by Betsy Mitchell, the sf/f consultant for Open Road Media, a freelance editor, and the person who launched my career. Jacey Bedford, Ian Drury and John Jarrold are the co-panelists.
Adult Readers Within the YA Market
Saturday 13:30 – 15:00, Capital Suite 10 (ExCeL)
Age recommendations on books are meant to be a useful feature for readers. What are the risks and benefits associated with age classification, and is it a necessary evil or a marketing mistake? And what’s all this we hear about the emerging “New Adult” market? Will this have on YA books? Moreover, how do the growing number of adult readers affect the YA market? Are we leaving actual young adult readers behind in favor of attracting adult buyers?
Panelists include: Sarah Ash, whom we are honored to have in the JABberwocky e-book program; Tor UK editor (and acquiring editor for Tor UK of Brandon Sanderson’s YA novel The Rithmatist) Bella Pagan; and Ben Jeapes
JABberwocky VP Eddie Schneider and JABberwocky’s foreign rights mastermind Krystyna Lopez round out our team at Loncon.
JABberwocky clients in attendance include Myke Cole, John Hemry, Peter V. Brett, Tanya Huff, Adam Rakunas, Simon R. Green and Joshua Palmatier. Several of them will not only be at Loncon but will also be having signings and other events in the UK in the days before or after. Our client Mark Hodder is a finalist for the Sidewise Award, to be presented at Loncon.