Mark Dalton: Reefer Madness

Previous: Mark Dalton: Highway Robbery and Other Tales | Next: Mark Dalton: Owner/Operator

Previous: Mark Dalton: Highway Robbery

Mark Dalton is a truck driver and a detective and he takes you on the open road for stories of action and adventure with his sarcastic sense of humor. The scenarios are realistic and Mark Dalton is your average guy just trying to make a living in the midst of it all. Spurned by the discovery of his wife’s infidelities, Mark Dalton hangs up his hat as a Private Detective and heads out on the open road as an Owner/Operator. But his talents for solving crimes come to quick use as he encounters hitchhikers with shady pasts, goods smuggled across the border and a murder at a movie shoot where almost everyone is a suspect.

This product includes 9 episodes:
Thick as Thieves
Stealing Home
Down in the Dumps
Two for the Road
Reefer Madness
Lost and Found
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
Big Time Owner / Operator
A Man, His Truck… and a Woman


Awards & Accolades
