Congratulations are in order for Charlaine Harris! This time, Harper Connelly fans get to have the good news.
GRAVE SECRET (get your copy), debuted at #9 on the New York Times bestseller list!
We at JABberwocky are thrilled to see Harper finally get her due, as this final volume in the four-book series marks the first time a Harper Connelly mystery has debuted in the NYT top 10. It is also, we have learned, the first time a book from Berkley’s lovely Prime Crime imprint (if you like cozies, you should check out other books on their list) has done the same.
Incidentally, this is the first week three JABberwocky titles have graced the NYT hardcover printed list (A TOUCH OF DEAD, the Sookie Stackhouse short story collection, also made the printed list — for its fourth consecutive week!).
Meanwhile, in the UK, A TOUCH OF DEAD had the biggest hardcover week ever for Charlaine, appearing at #18 on the UK Bookscan hardcover fiction bestseller list. DEAD AND GONE appeared at #30, and in total, Charlaine had four books appear on UK bestseller lists last week. We’re positively thrilled, and it shows that Sookie is becoming an increasingly global phenomenon.