JABberwocky Literary Agency congratulates Brandon Sanderson on his first (certainly not the last!) fiction Hugo Award nomination, for his novella THE EMPEROR’S SOUL.
If you haven’t read EMPEROR’S SOUL, you simply must. Take advantage of the handy links on Brandon’s website. We at JABberwocky knew is was an award-caliber piece of fiction the moment we laid eyes on it in March 2012. We knew an award-caliber piece of fiction like this deserved an award-caliber publisher; we couldn’t be happier with the job Jacob Weisman and the entire Tachyon Publications team did. The novella wasn’t even written until February 2012, and yet by the end of the year Tachyon had it out with a gorgeous cover and an overall wonderful package. And reviewers were quick to take note, from Charles DeLint in Fantasy & Science Fiction (“one of those rare high fantasies that feels fresh and is filled with a sense of wonder”) to Library Journal (“Fantasy fans will love both the compelling story and the creative magical setting.”) to author Brenda Cooper (“I highly recommend it, and I suspect it will go on my award ballots this year.”).
We say above that this is Brandon’s first fiction nomination, because he is now a multi-time Hugo nominee for his work as part of the team that does the Writing Excuses podcast, so we can send some more congrats his way.
The JABberwocky team couldn’t be prouder. We love Brandon, we love THE EMPEROR’S SOUL, and this is a well-deserved nomination for a truly special story. Brandon’s no stranger to the award scene, he was a finalist for the “not-a-Hugo” John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer, Elantris won the Romantic Times award, he’s been a finalist for many other awards and been on Year’s Best lists time and again. But there’s something special about being recognized by SF fandom, the people who nominate and vote on the Hugo. Something very very special indeed!