In the first of three new non-fiction deals for the agency this spring (stay tuned for other announcements to come), we’re thrilled to finally, formally welcome the multitalented, NYT-bestselling author/artist Alison Wilgus!
Her forthcoming book, THE MARS CHALLENGE, is a non-fiction graphic novel that explores the technical and political obstacles that stand between us and footprints on the Red Planet, emphasizing personal narratives and scientific accuracy. Macmillan’s First Second graphic novel imprint acquired the book.
While researching the history, technical difficulties, politics and possible future of human spaceflight, Alison has:
* Combed through enormous digital stacks of mission design documents and federal budget requests
* Visited the Kennedy and Johnson Space Centers
* Doggedly watched all 19 hours of presentations from the 2013 Humans to Mars Summit
* Visited NASA launch, operations, and research facilities
* Met with Congress as part of the Space Exploration Alliance
Alison says that the most important things to know about her are that she lives in Brooklyn, she makes comics, she has cried while watching NASA TV, and she permanently imprinted on the women of Deep Space Nine as a teenager. Everything else is gravy. (You can also follow her as @aliwilgus on Twitter.)
Welcome to the crew, Alison!