JABberwocky’s Memorial Day Travels


This Memorial Day weekend is going to be a busy one for JABberwocky. Both Joshua Bilmes and Sam Morgan (on Twitter @SamRoebuck) will be attending Balticon 48 in Balitmore, MD this weekend, where Brandon Sanderson will be the guest of honor. Also at attending the convention will be Myke Cole, who was 2013’s Compton Crook Award-winner and will be bestowing the award on this year’s recipient, as well as Jack Campbell.

Lisa Rodgers (on Twitter @_LisaRodgers) will be heading to Madison, WI this weekend to attend WisCon 38. While none of our authors will be Guest(s) of Honor, plenty of JABberwocky’s clients will be in attendance including Marie Brennan and Daniel José Older.

So if you will be ‘Con-ing it up this weekend, please keep an eye out for us and our great clients!