David Louis Edelman
David Louis Edelman is a science fiction novelist and web programmer. As the author of the Jump 225 trilogy (Infoquake, MultiReal and Geosynchron)—originally published by Pyr—he was a finalist for the Astounding Award for Best Novel, the Astounding Award for Best New Writer, Barnes & Noble’s SF Novel of the Year (winner 2006), and spots on best-of-the-year lists by io9, Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist and SFFWorld. Locus Magazine called the trilogy “a seminal work of 21st century SF.”
Edelman has also programmed websites for the U.S. Army, the FBI and Rolls-Royce; taught software to the U.S. Congress and the World Bank; and directed the marketing departments of biometric and e-commerce companies.
You can find him on his website, or follow him on Twitter @davidledelman.
- Jump 225 TrilogyInfoquake (#1)David Louis Edelman
- Jump 225 TrilogyMultiReal (#2)David Louis Edelman
- Jump 225 TrilogyGeosynchron (#3)David Louis Edelman
Jump 225 Trilogy
Infoquake (#1)
“Slick high-finance melodrama and dizzying technical speculation lift Edelman’s SF debut […] Bursting with invention and panache, this novel will hook readers for the story’s next installment.”
“In web designer and programmer Edelman’s first novel, he moves quickly from scene to scene, building suspense with believable characters and in-the-know technical expertise. This series opener belongs in most SF collections.”
“A thought-provoking and terribly imaginative book [...] INFOQUAKE is one of those books that hooks you into the story and makes you never want to put the book down.”
“Brilliantly blending the cutthroat intrigues of the high-tech business world with revolutionary world building, Edelman could quite possibly be the love child of Donald Trump and Vernor Vinge. INFOQUAKE is one of the most impressive science fiction debuts to come along in years — highly recommended.”Barnes & Noble Explorations
“David Louis Edelman knows the web and programming, and his description of human body programming rings true [...] Impossible to put down, and the background is well-defined and very believable. I want the rest of it.”University City Review
“Libraries strong in speculative fiction will relish INFOQUAKE […] A fast-paced, engrossing saga of social change.”Midwest Book Review
“INFOQUAKE is a stunning debut novel by a lucid, precise, and talented new voice in the genre.”
“A high-speed, high-spirited tale of high-powered and low-minded capitalist skullduggery, corporate and media warfare, and virtual reality manipulation. It’s the sort of thing that would make a perfect serial for Wired magazine [...] Edelman seems to have convincing and convincingly detailed knowledge of the physiology and biochemistry of the human nervous system down to the molecular level. And cares about making his fictional combination of molecular biology and nanotech credible.”Asimov's Science Fiction
“INFOQUAKE is a tech-heavy exercise in scientific speculation that combines economics, high technology and business mechanics into an all-too-human story of greed, loss and redemption.”
“A very funny and insightful novel of modern economics through a futuristic funhouse mirror [...] It’s the kind of book that deserves to be passed quietly from cubicle to cubicle in tech companies around the nation and indeed around the world. And it’s the kind of novel that you want to be passing, the kind of novel you want to be reading.”
“If all novels were as chockfull of ideas as Infoquake is, then science fiction would never have to worry about a shortage of sense of wonder [...] Edelman is like a more accessible [Charles] Stross; whereas Stross’s fiction is about as dense as it can get and still be readable, Edelman’s style is more inviting, and, to me, more appealing [...] Few first novelists manage as assured a debut as INFOQUAKE; almost all new authors stumble around a bit in their first novel, but Edelman comes off as a seasoned professional.”
“The hyperbole surrounding this novel seems justified — drawing on cyberpunk and singularitarian themes, it boldly places a banner for what is arguably a new sub-genre of science fiction [...] As an engaging fictional mirror of the modern world, written from an angle rarely used, this novel definitely marks Edelman as a writer to keep an eye on.”Futurismic
“A brisk, well-told science fiction adventure set in the normally unadventurous world of business [...] Edelman handles it all with considerable narrative drive [...] A simple old-fashioned story, where incident crowds onto incident, where jeopardy makes us hold our breath, and rabbits are pulled from the hat only at the very last moment.”New York Review of Science Fiction
“There’s always the risk that a complicated setting will overwhelm character and story, but Edelman avoids this pitfall, evoking a surprising amount of empathy for the amoral yet oddly charming Natch, and injecting a tremendous amount of suspense into what is essentially a saga of corporate politics [...] The novel also addresses weighty themes: the destructive price of greed, the unchanging relentlessness of the human drive to innovate and to compete [...] An entertaining and intelligent debut that should leave readers eager for more.”Fantasy Magazine
“Edelman casts the necessary deep hooks with effortless style. The surprising twist comes with the realisation that he reels in an infectious page turner without recourse to all-out Hollywood action [...] The breakneck scramble through the concluding pages only fuels your hunger for more. Edelman's sequel simply can't get here fast enough.”Death Ray Magazine
“A very strong debut novel mixing a historically detailed timeline with an intriguing technological future. David Louis Edelman makes reading about corporate shenanigans fun [...] INFOQUAKE should appeal to just about any SF reader, but if you like Herbert’s Dune or any of [Charles] Stross’s work, you should really enjoy this book.”SFSignal
“With his debut novel Infoquake, David Louis Edelman constructs a believable yet highly imaginative vision of the future [...] Edelman has taken several societal trends and extrapolated them to their logical conclusions in constructing his vision of the future, and from this he comes up with something that is pretty unique [...] INFOQUAKE definitely hooks in the reader, and I for one can’t wait to get my grubby wee paws on the second installment.”Meme Therapy
“This book was superb. I simply cannot believe that this is a debut novel, it reads so much more like the work of a seasoned writer [...] This book however is anything but boring — it grips you from the start and leaves you at the end of the book wishing you had book two at hand.”The Eternal Night
“Edelman has found a way to keep you reading way into the wee hours of the morning drinking coffee like a computer programmer behind on his product launch. A fascinating piece of literary work that is bound to be considered a classic of science fiction. One, if not the top read of the year. A must have for any reader of science fiction. Could not recommend higher.”
“INFOQUAKE is practically a cyberpunk novel, although unlike the works of William Gibson, author David Louis Edelman actually knows his subject and isn’t prone to making errors [...] Edelman has done an excellent job of bringing characters to life for a new writer. He even made business deals interesting. This is also very high grade science fiction, using the trappings and then adding more.”SF Crowsnest
“This is a well-wrought, propulsive, and consistently readable book [...] INFOQUAKE emerges as a well-told, entertaining, and thought-provoking first novel. A solid start. Edelman's just might be a name to watch.”Andromeda Spaceways
”One of my favorite novels in recent years [...] [Edelman is] one of the up-and-coming authors in the science fiction field.”Adventures in Sci-Fi Publishing
“As a debut novel, Edelman has done some good work here. His characters grow over the course of the story, the mark of a good writer [...] it does provide an interesting take on where the SF of the '30s is going [...] We can definitely expect to see more from Mr. Edelman.”Ray Gun Revival
“An intense futuristic tale of business, intrigue, revenge and technology [...] This has the potential to be a terrific series filled with innovative concepts and enough double-dealing to keep the reader guessing.”Monsters and Critics
“Edelman has managed to capture the mania and obsession of Internet moguls nicely [...] I found Infoquake interesting, and genuinely wanted to find out what happened next. The characters in the book are quite like people I’ve known in the world of international entrepreneurship.”
“What makes INFOQUAKE so compelling is Edelman's skillful rendering of the people he envisions at the very core of this culture. The ways in which people preserve their fundamental humanity in a future where it would be all too easy to let it go completely is something that isn't often explored very convincingly in even the best hard SF. Some writers have tried, but few have done as well as Edelman in asking the basic question of what kind of people would be produced by a world where tech and the body were one [...] How unfolding events leave their marks on the people caught up in them is where INFOQUAKE is at its most gripping.”
“A study in drive and power, Infoquake shows the drive and need behind the rise of new corporations [...] INFOQUAKE remains a raw and fascinating novel, with a fast pace and nifty economic themes.”Prometheus, the newsletter of the Libertarian Futurist Society
“Edelman has created a fascinating world […] The interactions between Natch, Horvil and Jara (who is both attracted to and disturbed by her boss) are volatile, complex and very, very realistic. It is easy to believe in these people, and even feel like maybe this is a future that is not too far away […] It would be good to have a few months to ponder INFOQUAKE before plunging into the next work, as I plan to do this summer, exploring more of this utopia/dystopia and enjoying a truly compelling tale.”Fast Forward TV
“Perfectly combines shifting perspectives and timelines to keep you hooked [...] I have never read anything else with this take on technology or the future [...] Unlike some future scifi settings where the cool technology feels more like James Bond gizmos designed to add color and flash to the story the technology in Infoquake is the basis for the story.”
“INFOQUAKE reminds me of Richard Morgan's Takeshi Kovacs novels, without quite as much violence [...] It's one of those novels where the author isn't afraid to ask readers to commit to it and to make the effort to meet him halfway in visualising a very different world from the present one. It's an effort that pays off, thanks to the plucky yet isolated figure of Natch.”
“This is book one of the Jump 225 Trilogy, and Edelman has started off in an extremely interesting manner.”Baryon Magazine:
"Infoquake is a rare beast: a future history that is simultaneously convincing and wondrous."Sean Williams, New York Times best-selling author of GEODESCIA: ASCENT
"David Louis Edelman's INFOQUAKE may be a new subgenre unto itself: the science fiction business thriller."Chris Roberson, Sidewise Award-winning author of HERE, THERE & EVERYWHERE
"Inventive and provocative, with a surprisingly emotional kick. Read this book, and then argue about it."Kate Elliott, author of CROWN OF STARS
MultiReal (#2)
“Edelman brings fresh air to the technological thriller […] MULTIREAL itself is firmly established as one of the most fascinating singularity technologies in years.”
“[Edelman] brings all the intellectual firepower and verisimilitude of the digerati like Sterling, Stross and Doctorow to his text. And the ontological twists and implications of MultiReal would do honor to Greg Egan […] Once you realize that Natch is less Neo than he is Steve Jobs, you’re in for a swell ride.”Sci-Fi Weekly
"Just when we thought cyberpunk was dead, David Louis Edelman bursts on the scene with defibrillator paddles and shouts, 'Clear!' If there's any web more tangled than the World Wide one, it's the Byzantine networks of high finance; Edelman intermeshes them in a complex, compelling series. This DOES compute!"Robert J. Sawyer, Hugo Award-winning author of HOMINIDS
"David Louis Edelman's vision of the future is so alive and full of energy the pages are practically buzzing. Wonderfully intricate with smart, satisfying complexity, INFOQUAKE and its sequel MULTIREAL serve up a world where mindbending technologies promise a freedom nearly as endless as the Machiavellian ambitions of those who would control them."Nick Sagan, author of IDLEWILD, EDENBORN and EVERFREE
Geosynchron (#3)
"[GEOSYNCHRON is] a gritty, tech-heavy thriller that builds on cyberpunk tropes in interesting and detailed new ways [...] Edelman does manage to bring his disparate threads together to create a coherent and even cohesive conclusion that's [...] accessible and satisfying."
“This smart, idiosyncratic blend of cyberpunk, libertarian entrepreneurship, and social engineering will, I think, stand as a seminal work of 21st century SF.”Locus
“The Jump 225 trilogy is a must-read, an instant classic and a work of SF that will help define this first decade of the 21st century, and could cast a long shadow for many years to come.”SFFWorld
“Takes the series one level higher, beyond mundanity to true sense-of-wonder SF, so it finally plays on the level of the masters of modern SF […] An A+ and so far the best core-SF novel I’ve read in 2010.”Fantasy Book Critic
Awards & Accolades
Jump 225 Trilogy
Infoquake (#1)
Barnes & Noble: 2006 “Science Fiction Book of the Year”
2006 Astounding Award Finalist
#5 Bookgasm: “5 Best Sci-Fi Books of 2006”
#4 Grasping for the Wind: “Best of the Year 2008”
Post-Weird Thoughts: “Best Novels 2008”
MultiReal (#2)
io9: “Best Science Fiction Books of 2008”
#4 Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist: “Top 10 SFF Books of 2008”
SFF World: “Favourite Five New SF Books of 2008”
Geosynchron (#3)
SFF World: “Best of 2010”
Barnes & Noble: “Best of 2010”