Joshua Palmatier
Joshua Palmatier was born in Coudersport, PA, but since his father was in the military he moved around. Alot. He’s lived in the states of Pennsylvania (three times), Florida (twice), Washington, California (briefly), Virginia, Texas (twice), and now resides in upstate New York. He has spent the majority of his life so far going to school, earning a Bachelors of Science and a Master of Arts degree in mathematics from the Pennsylvania State University, followed by a PhD in mathematics from Binghamton University. He is currently teaching mathematics (what else) at the State University of New York–Oneonta, taught for two years at Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania, and taught for three years at Bloomsburg University while taking a break between his masters degree and the PhD.
Joshua started writing science fiction and fantasy novels and short stories in the eighth grade, when the teacher assigned a one page Twilight Zone-ish short story. He wrote a story about Atlantis. It was from the perspective of one of the inhabitants as he escaped in a spaceship, watching his world being destroyed by water from one of the viewports of the ship. He got an A. Joshua has never stopped writing since, mainly focusing on novels.
Find Joshua on his website, or follow him on Twitter @bentateauthor.
- ZNB PresentsZNB Presents: Year OneJoshua Palmatier
- ZNB PresentsZNB Presents: Year TwoJoshua Palmatier
- AnthologiesAmpyriumJoshua Palmatier
- AnthologiesBrave New WorldsJoshua Palmatier
- AnthologiesNoirJoshua Palmatier
- AnthologiesShattering the Glass SlipperJoshua Palmatier
- AnthologiesDerelictJoshua Palmatier
- AnthologiesThe Modern Deity’s Guide to Surviving HumanityJoshua Palmatier
- AnthologiesWhen Worlds CollideJoshua Palmatier
- AnthologiesGalactic StewJoshua Palmatier
- AnthologiesApocalypticJoshua Palmatier
- AnthologiesMy Battery Is Low and It Is Getting DarkJoshua Palmatier
- AnthologiesTemporally DeactivatedJoshua Palmatier
- AnthologiesAlternate PeaceJoshua Palmatier
- AnthologiesPortalsJoshua Palmatier
- AnthologiesSecond Round: A Return to the Ur-BarJoshua Palmatier
- AnthologiesGuilds & GlaivesJoshua Palmatier
- AnthologiesThe Razor’s EdgeJoshua Palmatier
- AnthologiesSubmergedJoshua Palmatier
- AnthologiesAll Hail Our Robot Conquerors!Joshua Palmatier
- AnthologiesThe Death of All ThingsJoshua Palmatier
- AnthologiesWere-Joshua Palmatier
- AnthologiesAlien ArtifactsJoshua Palmatier
- AnthologiesTemporally Out of OrderJoshua Palmatier
- AnthologiesThe Modern Fae’s Guide to Surviving HumanityJoshua Palmatier
- AnthologiesAfter Hours: Tales from the Ur-BarJoshua Palmatier
- Throne of Amenkor TrilogyThe Skewed Throne (#1)Joshua Palmatier
- Throne of Amenkor TrilogyThe Cracked Throne (#2)Joshua Palmatier
- Throne of Amenkor TrilogyThe Vacant Throne (#3)Joshua Palmatier
- Throne of Amenkor TrilogyThe Throne of AmenkorJoshua Palmatier
- The Well SeriesWell of Sorrows (#1)Joshua Palmatier
- The Well SeriesLeaves of Flame (#2)Joshua Palmatier
- The Well SeriesBreath of Heaven (#3)Joshua Palmatier
- The Ley SeriesShattering the Ley (#1)Joshua Palmatier
- The Ley SeriesThreading the Needle (#2)Joshua Palmatier
- The Ley SeriesReaping the Aurora (#3)Joshua Palmatier
ZNB Presents
Temporally Out of Order
“This is a themed short story collection about Time travel, but it’s all inadvertent time travel. That makes this collection unique […] A thoroughly enjoyable anthology.”
“It’s a wonderful idea that has spawned quite a few excellent stories.”
“Fans of time travel and those interested in well-written gimmick stories will love this anthology.”
“I just couldn’t put this one down. One of the best anthologies I have read.”
Throne of Amenkor Trilogy
The Skewed Throne (#1)
“Power without control breeds a madness just as deadly as an empty stomach. That’s the key message in Palmatier’s intense fantasy debut […] Palmatier succeeds admirably in passionate, if simplistic, prose to sketch a heartfelt portrait […] This solid, earnest effort will especially appeal to young adults.”
“Palmatier keeps the reader guessing by switching up the flow events in the novel […] that is what makes the novel so compelling, even having a pretty good idea of where Varis’s story would conclude at the end of THE SKEWED THRONE didn’t deter the narrative pull and overall engaging quality of Palmatier’s storytelling […] With THE SKEWED THRONE, Palmatier has set up a very promising trilogy.”
The Cracked Throne (#2)
“[An] exciting sequel […] This novel grips the reader with a swift-moving tale of political intrigue and economic survival in a world where the most dangerous secrets are never forgotten.”
“THE CRACKED THRONE kicks into higher narrative gear and becomes a very difficult book to put down. This more than balances any drawn out elements of the merchant/restocking portion of the novel. What made the second installment of the trilogy work well for me is very much what made its predecessor work – Varis’s engaging narrative voice.”
The Vacant Throne (#3)
“The solid third Throne of Amenkor novel delivers plenty of action and intrigue.”
“I’m pleased to say he finished quite strongly with THE VACANT THRONE […] [it] offers a glimpse of the world at large. It is a solid progression of storytelling and is very effective at both revealing the full picture of Palmatier’s world and his evolution as a writer. Although Palmatier brings closure in the final volume of the trilogy, I think THE VACANT THRONE hints at a world rife for more stories.”
The Throne of Amenkor
“Joshua’s books are fun, engaging, and where they have an edge over Lynch and Rothfuss’s series is the fact that the series is complete […] Palmatier has created a powerful and engaging female protagonist in THE THRONE OF AMENKOR. With the three volumes now complete, I recommend all of them.”
The Well Series
Well of Sorrows (#1)
“One of my top ten fantasy reads of the year.”
“WELL OF SORROWS kept me spellbound for the entire length of the thick paperback. It’s well worth your time to delve into this heart-wrenching story!”
“A very good novel full of engaging writing; characters about whom Tate made me feel a great deal; and set in a fully realized secondary world that is a character in its own rights. Recommended.”
“Fantasy readers will be drawn in and likely make quick work of this debut work.”VOYA
“Brilliantly detailed worldbuilding and complicated characters makes this an engrossing read.”Laura Anne Gilman
Leaves of Flame (#2)
“Fans who reach the cliffhanger ending will be eager for book three.”Library Journal
“A wonderfully complex, vivid and imaginative world.”
The Ley Series
Shattering the Ley (#1)
“Palmatier exploits an active imagination to good effect, with characters who develop along with the story […] plenty of tension and excitement. Fantasy regulars looking for a fresh series with real bite should find it worth a try.”
“Palmatier lets the story build slowly, introducing a sprawling cast and fascinating setting, before explosively upsetting the status quo. This initial installment feels like build up for the rest of the story, but still delivers a compelling adventure.”
“Palmatier takes familiar ideas of ley lines and magic wielders but gives them fresh life in this rich fantasy world.”
“There is some really good writing here with a wonderfully unique premise.”I Smell Sheep
“SHATTERING THE LEY is the first book in a promising new series by Joshua Palmatier. While the cover of this hardcover edition tells us immediately that this is A Fantasy Novel, the setting blends magic and technology in a unique creation.”Book Spot Central
“This is an entertaining work of second-world fantasy in a creative and detailed setting with well-written action scenes.”Triple Cities Carousel
“This is a great opening act as Joshua Palmatier creates an intriguing world that deploys magic as the key source of energy. Using the ideological global warming debate (to include ambitious political deniers and militant willing to die environmentalists) as the starting premise, SHATTERING THE LEY is a strong cautionary fantasy.”Harriet Klausner
Threading the Needle (#2)
“Palmatier juggles the ongoing plot lines adeptly. As he explores the relationships among ley, environment, and society, he delivers a fast-paced, often brutal tale.”
"THREADING THE NEEDLE is an exciting adventure story with lots of action.”
Reaping the Aurora (#3)
“Palmatier juggles a large cast and myriad plot threads as he brings this postapocalyptic fantasy saga to a close; naturally, the stakes are immense, the body count considerable, and the action intense.”
“Fans of political intrigue will find a lot to enjoy here.”