Kristin McFarland
Kristin McFarland has a Master of Arts in Journalism from Indiana University, which launched her on a short-lived but very exciting career as a newspaper reporter. After graduate school, she worked for five different newspapers around the country, writing about politics, crime, arts, environmental issues, crack addicts, prostitutes, and parades. She eventually wised up and decided that making up political fights and crime scenes would be a lot more fun than reporting on real ones. Today, she lives in southern Indiana, where she spends most of her time daydreaming about fictional lives and/or thinking about wool.
Find Kristin on her website, or follow her on Twitter @KayMcFarland.
- StandaloneNo Saving ThrowKristin McFarland
No Saving Throw
“Enjoyable debut […] Readers will hope to see a lot more of the plucky Autumn.”
“It’s a very twisty-turny little small town mystery. While it is extra special fun for those of us who have spent a lot of time on the geeky-nerdy side of the force, at its heart it’s basically a cozy mystery where everybody knows everybody else and where the long-standing relationships in the community provide a lot of the heart as well as a lot of misdirection on the path to solving the murder.”
“The plethora of potential perps made this a lively mystery worth some cogitating.”
“The mystery is thoroughly compelling and steers toward a surprising and exciting conclusion, one that challenges the suspense levels of the most adventurous video games.”
“A cozy shop, a tricky murder, geek humor, and gaming lore galore—what’s not to love in NO SAVING THROW? This book is a winner, and I can’t wait to take another turn.”Leigh Perry, author of The Family Skeleton Mysteries
“A loving tribute to your Friendly Local Gaming Store and the communities that grow up around such places […] If you’re a gamer, you’ll recognize yourself or a friend of yours somewhere in this book.”Marie Brennan, author of the Memoirs of Lady Trent
“A nat 20! NO SAVING THROW is a fun, tight mystery that perfectly encapsulates the difficulties gamers face at being taken seriously. Protagonist Autumn Sinclair will stop at nothing to save not only her store, but also the geeky community it fosters.”Alex Erickson, author of the Bookstore Café Mysteries