Lynne M. Thomas & Michael Damian Thomas
Nine-time Hugo Award-winning Lynne M. Thomas and six-time Hugo- and Parsec Award-winning Michael Damian Thomas are co-publishers and co-editor-in-chiefs of the award-winning Uncanny Magazine. In this editorial role, they have also been finalists multiple times for the World Fantasy Award and Locus Award. Along with Uncanny Magazine winning four Best Semiprozine Hugo Awards (2016-2019), Michael and Lynne won the Best Editor-Short Form Hugo Award in 2018. Lynne has also been the editor-in-chief of the Hugo Award-nominated Apex Magazine (2011-2013), co-edited the Hugo Award-winning Chicks Dig Time Lords, as well as Whedonistas and Chicks Dig Comics. Michael has also been a Hugo Award finalist twice as the former managing editor of Apex Magazine (2012-2013), co-edited the Hugo Award finalist essay anthology Queers Dig Time Lords, and co-edited the anthology Glitter & Mayhem with John Klima and Lynne M. Thomas.
In their day jobs, Lynne is the Head of the Rare Book and Manuscript Library and Juanita J. and Robert E. Simpson Rare Book and Manuscript Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, one of the largest public university rare book collections in the country. Michael is an advocate for disabled children and the full-time caregiver for their daughter, who has a rare congenital disorder called Aicardi syndrome.
Find Lynne and Michael on their websites or at Uncanny Magazine, or follow them on Twitter @lynnemthomas, @michaeldthomas, and @UncannyMagazine.
2020 Locus Award finalist
AnthologiesThe Best of UncannyLynne M. Thomas & Michael Damian Thomas
The Best of Uncanny
“Hugo-winning editors Thomas and Thomas have assembled some of the most well known, internationally respected, and utterly evocative pieces from Uncanny’s five-year history into this substantial and impressive collection… This is an enlivening, enlightening treasure for the magazine’s readers and any fans of the genre.”Publishers Weekly, Starred Review
“Authors published by Uncanny are a roster of the greatest sf writers of the present era: Neil Gaiman, N. K. Jemisin, Charlie Jane Anders, Seanan McGuire, Naomi Novik, and many, many more. The works in this anthology are the best of the best in the genre, from science fiction to fantasy to weird tales to poetry, representing a stunning diversity of styles and perspectives…”Booklist, Starred Review
“This shelf-bending collection of 44 stories and poems from Uncanny Magazine's first five years showcases not only the publication's consistent quality, but also the impressive diversity of voices and thematic profundity it showcases… Featuring standout stories by N.K. Jemisin, Seanan McGuire, and Catherynne M. Valente, among others, there are no weak links in this transcendent anthology. A deliciously diverse sampler of speculative-fiction bonbons, created by some of the most talented literary confectioners on the planet.”Kirkus, Starred Review
“[T]he diverse range of voices, works, and prose show the wealth of creativity, humanity, and talent in today’s science fiction and fantasy writers… This delightful volume of imaginative writing will be devoured by genre fans and newcomers alike.”Library Journal, Starred Review
“Emerging from this splendid collection, can we discern any commonality among these tales, a signature ‘Uncanny magazine’ trademark? The subgenres range widely, from magical realism to near-space-opera, from folktales to horror, from high fantasy to slipstream. One shared aspect is a plethora of unique voices: each author is a stylist, eschewing any kind of bland ‘transparent’ prose.”Locus