GEMINI CELL by Myke Cole is now available for $1.99 in eBook format at Amazon, Kobo, Google Play, and iBooks! A mix of magical fantasy and military sci-fi, SFF World writes, “Myke has given readers perhaps the most brutally honest and naked look in (fantasy) fiction at the effect of a life of war on an individual and those he loves.”
Don’t miss Myke Cole’s fantastically reviewed GEMINI CELL! Buzzfeed named the book one of their “Best Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror reads for January,” writing, “Myke Cole’s novels are like crack: they’re highly addictive, and this one is no exception. We have trouble putting it down.”
Set in the Shadow Ops universe but at the start of a new arc, GEMINI CELL is a perfect book for Myke Cole fans or those who want to try something new. called GEMINI CELL “an intensely emotional story, focused on two people who have lost their loved ones…It’s also easily his best work to date.” GEMINI CELL is the first book in the Operator series, with the second book, Javelin Rain, due out at the end of March.
Pick it up now!