• News


    Tanya Huff’s Smoke Series Heads to the Small Screen
    Great news for Tanya Huff fans! Kaleidoscope Entertainment and The Fremantle Corporation today announced that vampire Henry Fitzroy is returning to action in an all-new series based on the ‘Smoke’ books by Tanya Huff whose ‘Blood’ novels were turned into the series Blood Ties. We at JABberwocky are excited at the news, and greatly look
  • Bestsellers News


    Charlaine Harris a Bestseller in France
    More big news abroad for Charlaine Harris! Last week, she hit the charts in the UK, and this week the French edition of DEAD AND GONE has debuted at #13 on the bestseller list of Livres Hebdo, the French version of Publisher’s Weekly. Big congratulations, Charlaine! And back at the ranch, we’re getting ready for
  • Bestsellers News


    Charlaine Harris a Sunday Times Bestseller
    Charlaine Harris is officially a Sunday Times bestseller! After conquering the NY Times list in 2009 with DEAD AND GONE (reviews | buy) , Charlaine and her smash Sookie Stackhouse series have now crossed over into the UK, with spectacular results. DEAD AND GONE (reviews | buy) is now the #10 selling hardback novel in
  • Awards News


    Brett, Sanderson Nominated for the Grand Prix de L’Imaginaire
    We have just learned that Peter V. Brett and Brandon Sanderson have been nominated for the Grand Prix de L’Imaginaire! The Grand Prix de L’Imaginaire is the French-language equivalent of the Hugo or Nebula, and both have been nominated in the category for Roman etranger (foreign novels translated into French). The books nominated were Brett’s
  • News


    Tobias Buckell is Locus Recommended Reading
    Locus loves Tobias Buckell! His new short story collection, TIDES FROM THE NEW WORLDS, is on the Locus Recommended Reading list for 2009. Congratulations, Toby!
  • News


    Jon Sprunk’s SHADOW’S SON Sold in 5+ Territories
    We at JABberwocky are thrilled to announce that the debut novel of one of our newest clients, Jon Sprunk, has now sold in more than five countries! Jon’s debut novel, the dark fantasy SHADOW’S SON, sold to Pyr in a three-book deal for English-language rights, and subsequently tied for JABberwocky’s largest-ever deal in Germany, to
  • News


    Brett, Sanderson, Akers Titles Chosen as Best of 2009
    We at JABberwocky have gotten even more great year-end news! Peter V. Brett‘s THE WARDED MAN (aka THE PAINTED MAN) has been named the Best Book of 2009 by Fantasy Book Critic’s Mihir Wanchoo, and the ALA named it one of the Top Five Fantasy novels of 2009! Way to go, Peter! The Onion/AV Club
  • News Awards


    Dene Low Named an Edgar Award Finalist
    We have just learned that Dene Low has been named a finalist for the Edgar Award! Her debut, PETRONELLA SAVES NEARLY EVERYONE (reviews | buy), is up for the Edgar Award for Best Young Adult Novel (press release). The Edgar Awards will be presented to the winners April 29th at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in
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    Paloppa Pictures Options Brandon Sanderson’s MISTBORN Trilogy
    Paloppa Pictures LLC and Brandon Sanderson are pleased to announce that Paloppa has taken an option on film rights to Sanderson’s NY Times bestselling Mistborn fantasy trilogy! Here’s more, excerpted from the official announcement: The principals in Paloppa Pictures LLC are Christopher Geary, Rob Micai and Marc Bryant. Micai is a co-producer of the forthcoming
  • Bestsellers News


    Charlaine Harris Named PW’s Bestselling Female Author of 2009
    Charlaine Harris is (drumroll please!), according to Publishers Weekly, the best selling female author of 2009! Publishers Weekly just released its list of the Bestselling Books of 2009, and Charlaine has three of the ten spots on the Mass Market Paperback list! This is more than any other author of adult fiction; John Grisham and
  • News Awards


    DARK DELICACIES III named Black Quill finalist
    Congratulations are in order for Del Howison and Jeff Gelb! DARK DELICACIES III: HAUNTED (reviews | buy), the third of their star-studded anthologies, might just get another jewel in its crown: it has been named a finalist for the Black Quill Award for Best Anthology! UPDATE: DARK DELICACIES III: HAUNTED has also been selected as
  • News


    WARBREAKER Listed in B&N’s Top SF/F Novels of 2009
    Congratulations are again in order for Brandon Sanderson! Brandon’s stand-alone fantasy novel WARBREAKER (reviews | buy) was just chosen by Barnes & Noble as #4 in their list of the Best Science Fiction/Fantasy Novels of 2009. This comes on the heels of Library Journal picking the book for their top five sf/fantasy list last month.
  • News Awards


    Harris, Richardson among B&N’s best of the decade
    We just learned that books by Charlaine Harris and Kat Richardson have been chosen by Paul Goat Allen for Barnes & Noble’s list of the best paranormal fantasy novels of the last decade! Charlaine Harris‘ DEAD UNTIL DARK and Kat Richardson‘s VANISHED were the books chosen, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to see two
  • News


    True Blood Receives AFI Honors
    Congratulations are in order for Alan Ball and the cast and crew of True Blood! The series, based off of Charlaine Harris‘s #1 NY Times bestselling Sookie Stackhouse series, was chosen as one of the Top Ten TV series of 2009 by the American Film Institute, and has subsequently been chosen as an official selection
  • Bestsellers News


    Harper Connelly Finally Gets Her Due
    Congratulations are in order for Charlaine Harris! This time, Harper Connelly fans get to have the good news. GRAVE SECRET (get your copy), debuted at #9 on the New York Times bestseller list! We at JABberwocky are thrilled to see Harper finally get her due, as this final volume in the four-book series marks the
  • News Awards


    True Blood an Emmy Winner
    We at JABberwocky are thrilled to learn that TRUE BLOOD, based off of the Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlaine Harris, is now not only a Golden Globe award-winning series, but an Emmy winner as well! The series received the Emmy for Best Casting, beating out “Mad Men” and “Friday Night Lights.” We have to say,
  • News Awards


    Jeri Westerson Named Shamus Award Finalist
    We’ve just learned that Jeri Westerson has been named a finalist for the Shamus Award! Jeri is up for the Shamus for her debut, VEIL OF LIES (reviews | buy). She has also been named a finalist for the Macavity Award. The Shamus is given by the Private Eye Writers of America, the winner chosen
  • News


    THE WAY OF KINGS Officially on its Way
    We have big news today for fans of Brandon Sanderson! At Worldcon, we made official something that has been in the works for the last few months. Brandon has signed a major book deal with Tor for a new series, called The Stormlight Archive. The first book will be titled THE WAY OF KINGS, and