• News


    Charlaine Harris is a Bestseller Abroad, Too
    While we were off at the London Book Fair, Charlaine Harris was hitting the charts around the world. Here’s the international bestseller roundup: In Germany, DEAD IN THE FAMILY, the 10th in the Sookie Stackhouse/Southern Vampire Mysteries, debuted at #43 on the Der Speigel Online paperback bestseller list. In France, A TOUCH OF DEAD, the
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    Sanderson’s Alcatraz Contends for a Nene!
    Brandon Sanderson is a finalist for the 2012 Nene Award, for his novel Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians.  For this delightful prize where the nominees and winners are selected by school children themselves in the state of Hawaii, who’ll be reading the short list over the course of 2011.  Go Alcatraz, conquer Hawaii, and the
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    Another Award Nom for Adam-Troy Castro
    We’ve just gotten the great news that Adam-Troy Castro is a finalist for the Kurd-Laßwitz-Preis 2011, the major German awards for sf/fantasy which were established in 1980.  Bestes ausländisches Werk zur SF for his concluding Andrea Cort novel War of the Marionettes is the category in.  He’s the first JABberwocky client to be nominated for
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    Elizabeth Moon’s KINGS OF THE NORTH hits the NY Times bestseller list
    A heart congratulations are due to Elizabeth Moon! Her latest novel, KINGS OF THE NORTH (get it now!), will debut at #29 on the New York Times hardcover fiction list. KINGS OF THE NORTH, the follow-up to the critically lauded OATH OF FEALTY, is the latest installment in the world of THE DEED OF PAKSENARRION,
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    PW posts their 2010 Overall Bestsellers
    … And Charlaine Harris is on the list! DEAD IN THE FAMILY (get it here!), book #10 in the Sookie Stackhouse/Southern Vampire Mysteries series, was Publishers Weekly‘s #11 bestselling fiction hardcover for 2010. The book hit the #1 spot on the NY Times bestseller list the week of its release, held onto the top spot
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    More Ebooks Up and Running
    We’re pleased to announce that we’ve posted four fantasy titles from Mayer Alan Brenner that together make up the Dance of Gods series. They’re live for Amazon Kindle as of this writing, and will be available for B&N, Kobo, and iBooks throughout the coming week. Check out some links here. Thanks for following along!
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    Peter V. Brett and Jon Sprunk Among Fantasy Book Critic’s Best of 2010
    Congratulations (again!) to Peter V. Brett and Jon Sprunk. Fantasy Book Critic reviewer Mihir Wanchoo named Brett’s THE DESERT SPEAR (reviews | buy) #6 in his top ten fantasy novels of 2010, and Jon Sprunk’s SHADOW’S SON (reviews | buy) comes in at #2 in the list of top ten fantasy debuts. Way to go, guys!
  • News Awards


    Brett, Moon, Sanderson, Sprunk Longlisted for Gemmell Awards
    We’ve learned that four JABberwocky clients have been nominated for the David Gemmell Legend Award this year: Peter V. Brett for THE DESERT SPEAR (reviews | buy) Elizabeth Moon for OATH OF FEALTY (reviews | buy) Brandon Sanderson for THE WAY OF KINGS (reviews | buy) Jon Sprunk for SHADOW’S SON (reviews | buy) You
  • News Awards


    Jon Sprunk Named Compton Crook Award Finalist
    Congratulations are in order for Jon Sprunk! His debut, SHADOW’S SON (reviews | buy | preview), was just named a finalist for the Compton Crook Award for best first novel.  The award is voted on by members of the Baltimore Science Fiction Society (the deadline is midnight on April 8, 2011), and will be presented
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    The JABberwocky Ebook Adventure Continues!
    The Hot Blood Series, edited by Jeff Gelb and Michael Garrett, are now available in electronic form for the Kindle and the Nook (with more options coming soon)! The series of erotic horror anthologies is the original: with thirteen books published over the course of two decades, it’s safe to say that these books truly
  • Awards News


    The Alchemist and the Executioness an Audie finalist
    We just got word this afternoon that client Tobias Buckell and his partner-in-crime Paolo Bacigalupi (represented by Martha Millard) have been nominated for an Audie in the Original Work category for their fantasy novellas “The Executioness” (Buckell) and “The Alchemist” (Bacigalupi).   The winners will be announced at a banquet in NYC on May 24.
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    Joshua’s 25th Anniversary!
    This time, congratulations are in order for Joshua Bilmes! Our fearless leader is celebrating his 25th anniversary as an agent today, and as part of our celebrating this milestone, we thought it would only be appropriate to do so with his favorite Drake’s Cakes (Yodels, pictured above). Want to offer your own well wishes?  Join
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    Adam-Troy Castro named a Nebula finalist
    Congratulations are in order for Adam-Troy Castro!  His story, “Arvies,” has been named a finalist for the Nebula Award, marking the sixth time he has been nominated for a Nebula.  His stories and novels have been nominated for two Hugos, two Bram Stokers, and won both the Seiun (with Jerry Oltion) and Philip K. Dick
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    2010 RT Award Nominees Announced
    We’d like to congratulate Jeri Westerson, whose third novel, THE DEMON’S PARCHMENT (get it here), was nominated for the best Historical Mystery of 2010, and Simon R. Green, who was nominated for the Career Achievement Award for Paranormal and Urban Fantasy. Simon’s latest release is New York Times bestseller A HARD DAY’S KNIGHT (get it
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    Locus Recommended Reading List Round-up
    Locus has published their 2010 “Recommended Reading List”, an annual compilation of the best SF/F of the year, and several JABberwocky clients have made the list! Peter V. Brett‘s THE DESERT SPEAR was one of Locus‘s favorite fantasies of 2010, John Hemry‘s novella “The Rift” was listed, and Tobias Buckell‘s “A Jar of Goodwill” was
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    David Louis Edelman Tops Another Best-Of-2010 List
    Elitist Book Reviews has posted their list of 2010 favorites a little belatedly, but we don’t mind–they’ve named David Louis Edelman‘s GEOSYNCHRON to the very top of their list of the year’s 10 best, and Brandon Sanderson‘s THE WAY OF KINGS was a runner-up. Congratulations to both!
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    Tim Akers and HORNS OF RUIN win Rising Star Award
    The UK’s SciFi Now has chosen Tim Akers and his second novel, THE HORNS OF RUIN, as the winner of their Rising Star Award for 2010. SciFi Now says, “We expect big things from him over the next few years.” Congratulations, Tim!
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    JABberwocky Titles Abound in Goodreads Favorites
    Goodreads has released their full listing of Favorite Books of 2010, and clients Brandon Sanderson, Elizabeth Moon, Peter V. Brett, and Charlaine Harris are all on there. TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT, co-written by Sanderson and Robert Jordan, is the Favorite Fantasy of the year, with THE WAY OF KINGS, written exclusively by Sanderson, following close on
  • News Awards


    Jeri Westerson Nominated for the Bruce Alexander Memorial Award
    Congratulations are in order for Jeri Westerson. THE DEMON’S PARCHMENT (reviews | buy), her third medieval noir featuring Crispin Guest, has just been nominated for the Bruce Alexander Memorial Historical Mystery Award, to be handed out at Left Coast Crime’s The Big Chile in Santa Fe in March. Making this doubly exciting is the fact
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    Simon R. Green Titles Now Available for B&N’s Nook
    Hello, everyone, Jessie here again. I’ve mentioned here before that we’re starting to post some backlist titles as ebooks through various channels, and we’ve started expanding our program. The Simon R. Green titles we made available on Kindle a few weeks ago are now up and running for Barnes and Noble’s Nook–that’s the three Forest
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    Charlaine Harris Has Two of 2010’s Bestselling Books
    Congratulations are due to Charlaine Harris. USA Today has posted their 2010 list of the year’s bestsellers, and Charlaine has two books on the list. The first is DEAD IN THE FAMILY, book #10 in the Sookie Stackhouse series, which hit the list at #37. DEAD AND GONE, book #9 in the series, is holding
  • Bestsellers News


    Simon R. Green’s Latest Is a New York Times Bestseller
    Simon R. Green‘s A HARD DAY’S KNIGHT, book #11 in Green’s bestselling Nightside series, will appear at #34 on the New York Times hardcover fiction bestseller list on January 23. A HARD DAY’S KNIGHT (get it here!) is Green’s 40th published novel. Congratulations, Simon–what fantastic news!
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    Peter V. Brett, Brandon Sanderson Are in Ranting Dragon’s Top Ten
    Peter V. Brett‘s hotly anticipated second novel THE DESERT SPEAR has come in at #2 on Ranting Dragon‘s list of 2010’s best fantasy. And in the #4 spot? Brandon Sanderson‘s THE WAY OF KINGS, the first installment in his epic Stormlight Archive. We’re excited about both of these nods. Way to go, Peter and Brandon!
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    David Louis Edelman is one of B&N’s best SF of 2010
    Paul Goat Allen at B&N Book Club has named his “Best Science Fiction of 2010”, and David Louis Edelman‘s GEOSYNCHRON is on the list. Allen describes the list as books that “succeeded in not only entertaining me but illuminating me as well.” Bravo, David!
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    Goodreads Picks Charlaine Harris, Brandon Sanderson for Best of 2010
    User-driven book site Goodreads.com has released their list of favorites for 2010, and JABberwocky clients are at the top of the list. Readers have chosen Charlaine Harris‘s DEAD IN THE FAMILY as the best paranormal novel of 2010, and TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT, co-written by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson, as their best fantasy. Well done,
  • Bestsellers News


    DEAD IN THE FAMILY was the #5 bestselling adult hardcover of 2010!
    2010 was a great year for Charlaine Harris. Her tenth Sookie Stackhouse novel, DEAD IN THE FAMILY, was an immediate bestseller all over the world, hitting bestseller lists from France to Australia. DEAD IN THE FAMILY was one of only six books this year to hold the top spot on the New York Times bestseller
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    JABberwocky Clients Top SFFWorld’s Best-Of List
    SFFWorld has just posted their Review of the Year, including their picks for the best of 2010. We’re pleased to announce that JABberwocky clients have taken the #1, #2, and #3 spots on Rob’s “Best of Fantasy” list. Peter V. Brett‘s second novel THE DESERT SPEAR came in at the top spot, followed closely by
  • News Awards


    Fantasy Faction Loves JABberwocky Clients
    Fantasy Faction has named Peter V. Brett‘s THE DESERT SPEAR the #1 book of 2010. Way to go, Peter! Fantasy Faction also loved Brandon Sanderson‘s THE WAY OF KINGS, which followed close on Brett’s heels in the #2 spot. Well-deserved honorable mentions went to TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT, co-written by Brandon Sanderson and Robert Jordan, and
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    Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist Loves JABberwocky Clients
    Pat of Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist has named two Jabberwocky books to his “Best of 2010” list: David Louis Edelman‘s GEOSYNCHRON came in at #4, and Brandon Sanderson‘s THE WAY OF KINGS is at #18. TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT, co-written by Brandon Sanderson and Robert Jordan, also made the list at #11. Congratulations to both!
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    Simon R. Green Turns in His 40th Novel
    Congratulations are due to longtime JABberwocky client Simon R. Green, who turned in his 40th novel at the tail end of 2010. We’re all very proud to be working with such a beloved and prolific author. Well done, Simon!
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